by HelpegasuS and moreHelpegasuS, Texic, ViralDl, Yoonsr, BlasterRobotz, Kakemancool, vit12, shtaba, Viper Arctarus, Titoalper, Asuith, cynvic, NekonGames, JuzGiew, Liu, Bli, Motheye, kivvvi, Mordroc9, PegasusZ, Chaldy, Adrift, LengthyRat, Cynixx, Magpipe, Kerrrez, Dyubin, CDPre, Galofuf, published by NekonGames, verified by Gokill
HelpegasuS, Texic, ViralDl, Yoonsr, BlasterRobotz, Kakemancool, vit12, shtaba, Viper Arctarus, Titoalper, Asuith, cynvic, NekonGames, JuzGiew, Liu, Bli, Motheye, kivvvi, Mordroc9, PegasusZ, Chaldy, Adrift, LengthyRat, Cynixx, Magpipe, Kerrrez, Dyubin, CDPre, Galofuf
Demonlist score (100%):
67.83Demonlist score (70%):
67.83Demonlist score (70%):
Position History
70% or better required to qualify
36 records registered, out of which 35 are 100%
Record Holder | Progress | Video Proof | |
Zoink | 100% | YouTube | |
[MHC] skeebOwO | 100% | YouTube | |
[JM] Cryonix6000 | 100% | YouTube | |
BreadGuyGD | 100% | YouTube | |
[BUDDY] Hasik | 100% | YouTube | |
[SARK] Bamvie | 100% | YouTube | |
[DL] DoSh7t | 100% | YouTube | |
eastshark | 100% | YouTube | |
[IQB7] BlueGMD | 100% | YouTube | |
[AUF] Modlini | 100% | YouTube | |
[RF] Johnlikediamond | 100% | YouTube | |
[VDL] nei | 100% | YouTube | |
Abstract | 100% | YouTube | |
[TCD] Trick | 100% | YouTube | |
Deez | 100% | YouTube | |
[ASITL] Tulachi65 | 100% | YouTube | |
JannisTE | 100% | YouTube | |
mo1ik | 100% | YouTube | |
АБУБУБАБУДЖАК | 100% | YouTube | |
[IQB7] Nickname09 | 100% | YouTube | |
Vorten | 100% | YouTube | |
[NULL] Mizukii | 100% | YouTube | |
[KFC] kakol | 100% | YouTube | |
[EZ] Jerpaa | 100% | YouTube | |
[USSR] SagerR | 100% | YouTube | |
Franzy | 100% | YouTube | |
[FUBAO] invle | 100% | YouTube | |
Reizz | 100% | YouTube | |
[KIRB] Superjavicon | 100% | YouTube | |
[EZ] kloone | 100% | YouTube | |
[USSR] BONN GD | 100% | YouTube | |
Slim | 100% | YouTube | |
l1nxxd | 100% | YouTube | |
cudby | 100% | YouTube | |
Qixzrss | 100% | YouTube | |
[4SKN] BloomingLily | 71% | YouTube |