Sinister Silence
by DiamondSplash and moreDiamondSplash, Enzeux, Luksa, RpgRaketti, GDonut, ViewSonic, JHdash77, Stilluetto, Chara, Seturan, SnowBallerr, [SKWAD] Cersia, Almohadaless, CairoX, Doggie, [PRIME] DTDom, [1319] Zenn, Zeronium, RicoLP, Laniakea, kvvv, [PROX] fakeblast, crumche, Zeroxy, ViperVenom95, Magmeta, [DL] rose, SeanyBoy33, T'im, [PRIME] ArtsiBurn, [1319] D3ltex, Muffy450, Dorvict, [CNDL] xeox, [KIRB] Kaza, Bluestone413, DarkTD, Cheyne, [DLE] BlazerFreak_, skycrab, [JFREE] Johnfree, Gokill, teraaa, [EZ] Sanni, Jeremy Clarkson, [DTC] nicor77, fitatfi, hstorm, MiniShoey, [PRIME] vaen, Kelvin, [ZEL] Vikings, Remyy, [EZ] kloone, TheZinkYT, [EZ] ked, [SKWAD] solarion, [DTC] Bibu, [BWC] Tombstone, Wahffle, vulcanium4, HugoHMF, [TOOL] stav, [SRK] Alanjx, VoVocado, [KIRB] Chee2y, Tunax, Elevens, RedMatrix, CrispyKey, zRobin, [MHC] gruzy, functionxd, [QOG] RewrtTT, Azuvy, BloodyDemon575, Corvii, Pandora, Etheriall, Konsuno, Ech0, [KIRB] foody, EleKtr1X, Urk, IIZynnsII, [BUDDY] Xapia, zenkabi;, Axel996, snib, noodleshelf, Fenniko, Imi, SmokeScream, IceConey, Chaotrix, [YSL] Presty, VamP, Weenside, Sledge, Owen, GamerKnight750, [DTC] Teno, skzyl, published by Wahffle, verified by wwdonut
DiamondSplash, Enzeux, Luksa, RpgRaketti, GDonut, ViewSonic, JHdash77, Stilluetto, Chara, Seturan, SnowBallerr, [SKWAD] Cersia, Almohadaless, CairoX, Doggie, [PRIME] DTDom, [1319] Zenn, Zeronium, RicoLP, Laniakea, kvvv, [PROX] fakeblast, crumche, Zeroxy, ViperVenom95, Magmeta, [DL] rose, SeanyBoy33, T'im, [PRIME] ArtsiBurn, [1319] D3ltex, Muffy450, Dorvict, [CNDL] xeox, [KIRB] Kaza, Bluestone413, DarkTD, Cheyne, [DLE] BlazerFreak_, skycrab, [JFREE] Johnfree, Gokill, teraaa, [EZ] Sanni, Jeremy Clarkson, [DTC] nicor77, fitatfi, hstorm, MiniShoey, [PRIME] vaen, Kelvin, [ZEL] Vikings, Remyy, [EZ] kloone, TheZinkYT, [EZ] ked, [SKWAD] solarion, [DTC] Bibu, [BWC] Tombstone, Wahffle, vulcanium4, HugoHMF, [TOOL] stav, [SRK] Alanjx, VoVocado, [KIRB] Chee2y, Tunax, Elevens, RedMatrix, CrispyKey, zRobin, [MHC] gruzy, functionxd, [QOG] RewrtTT, Azuvy, BloodyDemon575, Corvii, Pandora, Etheriall, Konsuno, Ech0, [KIRB] foody, EleKtr1X, Urk, IIZynnsII, [BUDDY] Xapia, zenkabi;, Axel996, snib, noodleshelf, Fenniko, Imi, SmokeScream, IceConey, Chaotrix, [YSL] Presty, VamP, Weenside, Sledge, Owen, GamerKnight750, [DTC] Teno, skzyl
Demonlist score (100%):
85.58Demonlist score (69%):
85.58Demonlist score (69%):
Position History
69% or better required to qualify
29 records registered, out of which 28 are 100%
Record Holder | Progress | Video Proof | |
Jori | 100% | YouTube | |
[Ñ] Laurendi | 100% | YouTube | |
Zoink | 100% | YouTube | |
ViperVenom95 | 100% | YouTube | |
[DL] DoSh7t | 100% | YouTube | |
kyoto | 100% | YouTube | |
[IQB7] Quivert | 100% | YouTube | |
[MHC] TFIBB | 100% | YouTube | |
DarkTD | 100% | YouTube | |
[TCD] Trick | 100% | YouTube | |
Abaddox | 100% | YouTube | |
[DTC] bims | 100% | YouTube | |
Tunax | 100% | YouTube | |
[ASITL] pixulachueka47 | 100% | YouTube | |
adrian | 100% | YouTube | |
[RF] NordstromUSA | 100% | YouTube | |
[MYS] Comlayze | 100% | YouTube | |
[MHC] skeebOwO | 100% | YouTube | |
maxer | 100% | YouTube | |
ElTitoGuille | 100% | YouTube | |
Dorvict | 100% | YouTube | |
ZygisDij | 100% | YouTube | |
zLevii | 100% | YouTube | |
pashai | 100% | YouTube | |
[NULL] StarXV | 100% | YouTube | |
MeQ8cNv43s6A | 100% | YouTube | |
[MEALY] Tyson | 100% | YouTube | |
Lobster | 100% | YouTube | |
[PRIME] DTDom | 80% | YouTube |